Sunday, March 11, 2012

Mind blowing weather, Mind blowing show.

 Entertainer Christian speaks to an audience about his road trips. (PHO-245) Shalisha Russell.
Shooting a feature was very stressful. Deciding what to shoot was the hardest decision. I worried if the event would not turn out to be as I envisioned.
So, I walked in and the atmosphere was exciting everyone was happy and laughed wholeheartedly. I was glad that I was in attendance, but then I saw another photographer and wondered how on earth will we get different viewpoints. I had to put all my skills into effect.
The performance of Christian and Katalina was a pleasant surprise, they travel the U.S. doing shows that entertain audiences in a show called Mind Tripping. It was fascinating to see them pull members out of the audience and have them participate in the show.
            The guest that attended the show did not know each other no one was chosen because they knew the right answers. Christian and Katalina were able to tell if the members were not truthful in their answers.           
I was even called up to participate in a sketch. I got up to the stage and was handed a knife. I didn’t know what to expect. It was shocking, and it left me speechless as to what was about to happen. I can say the show is based on the honesty of other people and the expertise of Christian and Katalina.
A college officer was totally baffled after Christian had done a few mind tricks. It was fun to watch everything unfold. She had genuine surprise, and all this fun is based on the reactions of others. It is a must see performance.
            Then there was the weather shot, and I chose to utilize the space around me. So, I went to Ottawa Park, and saw some golfers enjoying the 40 degree weather. I thought the perfect shot for weather s people doing leisure activities.
Overall, it was a fun experience, and it was enjoyable. I overcame any fears about speaking to people I don’t know.
 Don Mickels of Toledo, Ohio enjoys weather while there was a 45 degree day in Febuary 2012(PHO-245) Shalisha Russell.

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