Wednesday, January 25, 2012

What I learned about the history of news

        While learning about the history of photography, I learned that capturing action and night images was very hard to do prior to the use of modern lenses and flashes. It took a lot of work to get an image to the press, as opposed to now, when all it takes is a push of a button.
        Photographers had to take the images, contact print them, and draw replicas to be reproduced for an engraver to make the images for the paper. There has been a lot of new inventions since then that enables modern-day photojournalists to send news across the country instantly. In fact, that part of technology was a glimpse into what we are able to do now.

Getting to know me!

I am a first-time blogger. At first, opening this blog account for the Intro to Photojournalism course seemed intimidating, but with the help of our instructor, Lori King, it has been a breeze.
            As a new blogger, I would like to share with the world the information I learn about photojournalism, and enlighten my readers with the interesting information I learn this semester.